Small Homes Are Great!

I have a wide range of home style favorites. Within those styles you will find big and small. I think there is something fascinating about a small home where the rooms have just the right proportions of size that give it a cozy feel. Imagine sitting in a room in a comfy chair sipping a cup of coffee. The snow is falling outside and the fireplace is warming the room. Now imagine your ceiling is 30 ft tall. Size and scale can have a tremendous impact on the feeling of each room and hat feeling can be enhanced by designing the space with the right size of proportion of size. This coziness you feel is the product of the perfect size of the room as well as the aesthetics. I really admire designs that maximize the space available and create atmospheres conducive to evening family chats or quiet corners for reading a book. You can find many of these types of homes in the North End of Boise, but they can also be a found in a farm house in South Meridian, Star, or probably anywhere in Idaho. This is why designing and building homes for people is so much fun. You get to focus on the needs of your clients and really try to capture their dreams for things they enjoy to do in their homes, and sometimes those things don’t take a lot of space. Unless of course you are playing ping pong with your twelve year old son, and in that case I say “game on!”.

Here is a home design put out by It’s open but cozy and maximizes the space for a patio style home.  Take a look here.